Fancy neckwear

5 04 2010

Now that I’m knitting again I’ve set myself the goal of finishing the 2 FOs I had. One was Little Colonnade and the other the Ursa cardigan. A couple weeks ago, after working on it for a few days I finished the first project, Little Colonnade. It went really fast and now I have a nice new shawl to wear!

I wanted to post this earlier but I was waiting for a photo shoot with DH. Finally this weekend we were both available and the weather was nice so it was time for some photos!

Here’s a nice shot from the back:

Little Colonnade - back

and worn as a cowl:

Little Colonnade

and a bonus shot:

Little Colonnade

It took me 5 months from beginning to end although probably closer to 3 or 4 weeks of knitting time. I used the Zauberball that I’d gotten at Stitches East last fall. I was concerned that it might be a bit itchy but after a good soak it turned out pretty soft. [Rav details]

Now that the cowl is done I’ve been knitting almost exclusively on my cardigan. It’s slow going but I’m still making good progress. So far the sizing looks great but my only concern is that I just might run out of yarn… Just as a heads up, check your stashes for some Cascade 220 in colorway 9422 (Tibetan Rose). I’ve also cast on for a pair of socks (of course) but am keeping it as a travel project.

This next neckwear was not made by me but by the uber talented Maritza of Soto Softies. She’s expecting a little boy in a few weeks and made up the cutest bibs for her baby. She also made a few extra ones to give to other pregnant ladies and I ended up being one of the lucky ones!

Check these bibs out!

Squee! Bibs from Maritza!

Aren’t they the cutest thing ever? I can’t imagine getting these lovelies dirty, but I expect they’ll catch a lot of drool soon enough. Thank you Maritza!



4 responses

6 04 2010

You can never ever have enough bibs! Nor will they cover where the spills end up falling!
The shawl is lovely!

6 04 2010

What a beautiful shawl! I bet you are so glad to have it done so you can enjoy it.

8 04 2010

Oh, there will come a time when you care much less about what gets dirty. We must pick our battles.

9 04 2010

Your Little Colonnade is very pretty! The colors came out really nice. I don’t think I have any Cascade 220 in that color, but I’ll take a look. Super cute bibs! I hope you’re feeling great!

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